I have done a somwhat arbitrary search of the blogs listed on the particiapants page (the search parameters being those with interesting names!) and have found enough information to keep me reading for hours! I'm aware that ready any and all information may be counterproductive (I do have to keep doing my daily work) so I will set aside time to read any interesting links at a later date.
I have re-jigged the settings on this blog to enable me to leave comments as an 'Anonymous user,' but other blogs (sensibly) do not have this setting and will not recognise my blogspot IS or Google Account details - its quite frustrating not being part of the CPD23 'community.'
I am now a bit behind but I'm hoping to (when I finally figure out how to do it) leave comments throughout this exercise. The last couple of weeks haven't presented me with an opportunity to fit CPD23 in so I think I'm going to have to make time! I don't want to commit to something like this and do it half- hartedly.